Pet population

There are likely billions of pets worldwide. Families in the U.S., Brazil, EU and China alone account for over half a billion dogs and cats, while more than half the world is estimated to have a pet at home.

70% of households in the US own at least one pet.

Of those 90.5 million households, 69 million picked a dog for their companion. This means that dogs are by far the most popular pets in the US.

Stray animal population

There are about 200 Million stray dogs in the world and about 70 Million stray cats in the world according to the World Health Organization. 

Of course, this is a strong estimate because it's hard to come by the exact numbers.

America has around 70 Million stray animals living in the country. Some strays are pets that have been lost and not properly able to be identified.

The leading reason pets aren't returned to their proper owners is that they lack identification tags or tracking chips. 

For this reason, experts recommend putting a collar on the pet, as it's a globally recognized symbol for a pet with an owner.

Animal shelter situation

Up to 8 million animals enter rescue shelters every year in the U.S.

It's estimated that around 920,000 animals are euthanized in shelters every year.

69929000 dogs in USA
74059000 cats in USA
200 Million stray dogs in the world
70 Million stray cats in the world


We offer both ID tags and ID software, helping lost pets go home.

By QR code scanning or NFC tapping, pet owners can store pet information and people who see lost pets can contact pet owner to help lost pets go home.

Store rich pet information.

Accurate access to pet's location.

Contact pet owner for helping lost pets go home.

Sofware website can be customized.